Autogarage Mlololongo

Christmas Letter
December 2008

Dear Friends of SALESAN

By end of May 2008 it happened that I have entered the third cycle in life. I am now a pensioner. Everybody asked me, what I was going to do after forty years active live in business. Well, my Fransalian friends in Africa are keeping me busy.
Then the worldwide financial crises did affect us all. The dramatic increase of food and petrol prices hit the Third World Countries very badly. How can all the poor survive who already before had difficulties to buy their food? At the same time the Kenyan MP’s have decided to cut taxes on their income. What a shame!!!

The time has past so quickly and soon a new year will start. What surprises will the future bring? I am optimistic because such crises are demonstrating that money and profit are not the only sense of life. There are also other and more important values and issues in life.

I would like to take the occasion to look back on the activities of the SALESAN Institution.

The annual general meeting was held on January 27th 2008. We could show again an increase of funds transferred to India and Africa. A real highlight was the interesting speech of our special guest S. Heidi Loser, the mother General of the St. Ann Community. In a very lively way she presented the work of the mission work in Africa. The audience was impressed about all the activities the sisters are doing for the girls. (They will be the real future for a prosperous Africa)

Beginning of January I made a short visit to Nairobi. The goal was to analyse if there are any important issues to be taken care after the election problems in the country. It was a great relief to see that our projects in Kenya were not affected.

On the spring fair in Wädenswil, SALESAN was present with a booth with cakes and pastries, backed by friends of SALESAN. In the evening we had an empty table and the money we earned was dedicated to Fr. Francis Mulackal in Navi Mumbay, India. The amount will be used for needs of street children.

By end of April we were very pleased to host the Provincial for East Africa, Fr. Thomas Olickal. We visited together some agencies in Switzerland and organised a reception for the members and friends of SALESAN.  

In June Fr. Augustine stayed for a few days with us. Again we had a packed programme organised with meetings at different places. With Mr. Haag we had an exceptional chance to present the Arusha project to an important audience.

My second trip to Nairobi end of June was dedicated to the carpentry project together with Mr. Samuel Mischler. It is a great chance to work with Mr. Samuel Mischler, a retired carpenter, who is prepared to set up the new workshop. Once there we met the supplier and specified the machinery and equipment.

Beginning of October at that time the Province was having a general meeting my sister Maria and two friends joined me for a visit to Tanzania and Kenya. That gave us the chance to meet almost all fathers and seminarians in Morogoro. During a short meeting Fr. Thomas Cherukat gave a briefing on the Fransalian Institute in Arusha.  

After an unforeseen day at the beach in Dar es Salaam (the aeroplane started 2 hours earlier than scheduled) we arrived in Tabora. Fr. Samy welcomed us at the airport. To my surprise I had the honour to lay the foundation stone for the new dormitories for girls.

The visit of the Masai secondary school at Monduly Juu was very impressive. The St. Ann sisters under the guidance of Sister Denise are doing great work there. After four years running the school the first girls are well prepared for their exams.

After a short visit of Fr. Thomas at Maji ya Chai we drove to Nairobi. There we had a look at the VTC and the school in Katani. The last highlight for my friends was the visit to the Masai Mara Park. We have been very lucky having seen lions, buffalos, rhinos and hundreds of wild beasts at very close distance.

Also during the last year we had a number of MSFS priests from India who paid a visit to our home. Hildegard as always was a perfect host and made a lot of effort to make their stay as comfortable as possible.

At last we take the opportunity to thank you and all members of the St. Francis congregation for the prayers you made for us. But also for the hospitality we could enjoy during our visits in Africa. Our friends have been very impressed about the work you are doing for the poor and needy people.

Today we light the first candle of advent.  Hildegard and I, our children Bettina and Janine wish you and all members of the congregation a peaceful advent, joyful Christmas, a very happy New Year, good health and the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With best wishes to you all




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IBAN CH97 0483 5065 4242 8000 1
SALESAN 654242-80-1
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Garage Mlololongo

St. Anne Sisters from Tungi

Garage Mlololongo

Fondation Stone Girl’s Dormitory

Garage Mlololongo

Montesori Children, Tabora    zum Seitenanfang